Chemical Biology Methods Progress Perspectives (Fe
Welcome to Vienna! Welcome to the International Conference on “Chemical Biology: Methods, Progress, Perspectives“! Chemical Biology is a scientific discipline at the interface of the life sciences and physical sciences integrating a wide series of experimental techniques ranging from synthetic organic chemistry and biochemistry to structural, molecular, and cellular biology. It is one of the fastest growing areas of science today. By combining powerful techniques from organic synthesis, biophysical chemistry, molecular biology and genetics, researchers all over the world are developing new molecules and new strategies to combat cancer, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, as well as developing new frontiers and applications in non-human science. International Conference Chemical Biology: Methods, Progress, Perspectives to be held in Vienna on February 11-13th , 2013 will provide leading academy and industry scientists a platform to communicate recent advances in Chemical Biology and an opportunity to define new frontiers and establish multilateral collaborations. Vienna is located in the heart of Europe on the banks of the Danube River, and considered one of the most important economic, cultural and touristic large cities of central Europe. Apart from providing top science, the Conference will capture the spirit of the city thanks to the central location of the venue offering a multitude of cultural events just minutes away. The International Conference “Chemical Biology: Methods, Progress, Perspectives” will cover the following research topics: Strategies for Bioactive Small Molecule Discovery Designing Focused Chemical Libraries High-Content and High-Throughput Assay Design Screening in Forward and Reverse Genetics Chemoinformatics and Computational Chemical Biology Molecular Imaging and Switching Tools, Probing Living Systems at the Chemical Level Chemical Biology in Drug Discovery Probing Cancer Pathways Chemical Biology and Genetics for Deciphering Cell Signalling Pathways: Protein, Nucleic acid and Carbohydrate Modifications Identification of Direct Targets of Small Molecules Approaches to Discover Protein-Protein Interaction Inhibitors From Chemical Biology to Biotechnology Emerging Areas in Chemical biology Amongst the invited speakers are internationally known names such as:Bajorath J (Germany), Bradley M (UK), Crews C M (USA), Dell A (UK), Deprez B (France), Famulok M (Germany), Hoffmann C (Germany), Kwon H J (South Korea), Liu J O (USA), Marcaurelle L A (USA), Marechal E (France), Marx A (Germany), Mestres J (Spain), Rognan D (France), Specht A (France), Urano Y (Japan), Zanders E D (UK) etc. Approximately 300-350 participants are expected to attend this exciting scientific forum including almost 40 lectures delivered by worldwide known invited speakers and young, talented speakers selected from submitted abstracts. The program combines plenary lectures, poster sessions, a unique Conference Dinner Party and sightseeing tours of Vienna. We are looking forward to seeing you in Vienna in February 11-13th, 2013! Prof. Touraev A, Co-Chair of the Organizing CommitteeProf. Marx A, Co-Chair of the Organizing Committee DOWNLOAD THE OFFICIAL CONFERENCE LEAFLET HERE!